Can you really love dogs too much?
Trying to decide if your love of dogs is treading on the edge of obsessive? Here are 23 signs that you’re slightly, or maybe completely, obsessed with dogs:
1. Dog hair? Don’t care! That’s what lint rollers are for.

2. Of course you talk to them like a person, they’re your BFF!
3. Your dog WILL be in your wedding.
4. You’re ideal Saturday night looks something like this:

5. You’ve made up songs about and for your dogs

6. And they have several dozen nicknames.
7. You rock shirts showing your pet parent pride.

8. You feel the need to greet every dog you meet… and something forget about the actual dog owner.

9. Your phone’s camera roll is 99% pictures of your dog.

10. And most of the accounts you follow on IG are dogs.

11. Your sleeping arrangement resembles this:
12. Birthdays and holidays are a pretty big deal.
13. Your social calendar is organized around your dog’s needs.

14. When you’re out with friends, you wish you were with your four-legged bestie.

15. When out of town, you’ve Skype called your SO and asked to speak with the dog.

16. Life would be so much better if you were just able to text your dog.

17. Your dating deal breaker includes:

18. Your SO knows who holds the strongest place in your heart.

19. Your budget is dominated by things for your dog.

20. This struggle is real:

21. This is your happy place:

22. Nothing brightens up a bad day better than time with your pup.

23. There’s no shame in your obsession! Dogs are the best and what’s not to love!
How did you stack up? Are you dog obsessed?