Many cat parents are working from home as a measure to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Though this is a challenging time, the bright side is that we get to spend more time with our pets! With more cat parents working from home comes more #QuarantineCats tweets. We’ve compiled some of the best posts to take your mind off things for a while!
Some #QuarantineCats practice social distancing…
While others don’t mind keeping close.
Some cats use their free time to enjoy new hobbies…
While others work from home.
Some cats test their parents’ patience…
While some parents test their cats’ patience.
For some cats it’s business as usual…
And lastly, for some cats it’s quality bonding time.
Do you have any #QuarantineCats? We’d love to see them!
If you’re curious about ways to keep your cat busy while you work from home, check out these articles on mental stimulation for cats and interactive cat puzzle games. The new Petstages Puzzle & Play games are a great option to keep cats busy, available at Petco and select retailers.
More Resources and Info
We hope everyone is able to stay safe and play at home with their pets! A 14-day quarantine is recommended for those who are at high risk or those who may have come into contact with COVID-19. To learn more about social distancing and self-quarantine check out this resource by Johns Hopkins Medicine.
For those who are curious about the effect of COVID-19 on pets, we’ve written an article about Coronavirus in Dogs. If you haven’t seen it yet, check it out here.
One more thing! If you are looking for a quarantine buddy, many animals at shelters and rescues are in need of foster parents and adoptive parents. Now is a great time to foster or adopt a pet! Contact your local shelter if you’re interested. You can also check out our article on fostering here.