3 Ways Your Dog Is Making You Healthier

Want to Boost Your Physical and Mental Health? Get a Dog.

Walking your dog every day won’t end war or world hunger, but it WILL make you a happier, healthier human being—and hey, that’s no small thing! It makes them happier and healthier too!

The human-dog bond you develop when you are active with your pet is a two-way street.

Here are three ways even a short daily dog walk is improving your health and your life.

1. You’re staying fit

Walking is a great, low-impact exercise. Because of that, it burns calories and is good for the long-term health of your heart and lungs. Dogs give you a reason to be active every day and motivate you to get moving!

2. You’re building energy

A nice brisk walk boosts circulation and brings more oxygen into every cell. Expending energy energizes you!

Did you know that a ten-minute walk is more energizing than 50 mg of caffeine? Next time you need an afternoon pick-me-up, don’t make another pot of coffee–take the dog out!

3. You’re happier

It’s proven by science. Walking (even just petting!) a dog is a serious mental health booster.

Walking releases feel-good endorphins that help boost your mood and refresh your creativity. It’s also meditative, relieving stress and enriching your focus. The simple act of petting a dog lowers your blood pressure and heart rate.

Further reading

Want to learn more about how dogs improve the lives of humans? Harvard University has an entire report on how get healthy with your dog aptly titled, “Get Healthy, Get a Dog.”

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