“Kirk here!
You may remember my advice in December on what your pup wants for Christmas! You’re welcome! And now I’m back! Guess what I’m here to help with this time?! That’s right, New Year’s resolutions. Is your furmily still slacking on sticking to New Year’s resolutions? My parents know allllllll about slacking. They used to laugh when resolutions came up, like it was a funny joke or something! Well, I put my paw down. Now, me and my hoomans are THE BEST at keeping our resolutions. Because our resolution is to tire out a crazy puppy, and that’s me! This year, we got some AMAZING toys for tiring out puppies from Outward Hound. See what I thought below…
1. Tire Out a Puppy with Fishing for Dogs
“Okay, okay I know what you’re going to say… you can’t fish for dogs. So, I am going to keep it reel (see what I did there… reel… like for fishing.) Outward Hound has this amazing fishing pole for dogs – a tail teaser wand (some people call it a “flirt pole”)! It always knows how to lure out fun, especially after my pawrents have been on the phone all day. They take the tail teaser out back and – even though they don’t have to move that much – boi, does that tail on the wand move FAST. I get tired SO quickly chasing it around and around and around….
Here’s how I cheat: I put my paws over the nylon cord after I catch it in my mouf. It makes it impossible for the hoomans to pull it back! That is, until they give me a treat from their pocket. I always win.”
2: Carry Your Weight When It’s Time for Cardio
“Dad found me the coolest thing for our walks and hikes! I got my very own backpack! It’s called the Outward Hound DayPak! Now I can pack my super favorite treatos and carry them all by myself. Salmon Wholesome Pride treats are so fishy and delicious mmmmm. Of course, we pack my Port A Bowl water bowl, and our camera for our Instagram photo ops!
Mom likes my backpack because she says I’m finally pulling my weight when we go hiking. I like it because I can bring Horus the hedgehog (from my Hide A Hedgie) with me (see my selflie above). It’s paw-sitively perfect for our long-distance hikes. They seriously tire out a lil’ puppy like me.”
3: Agility Training with the Outward Hound Zip and Zoom Agility Kit
“Even a lil’ pup like me knows that on days when it’s cold and the water falls from the sky, you gotta’ tire out your puppy somehow. I become a CRAZY puppy on those days. So, my pawrents got us this pawtastic Zip & Zoom Indoor Agility Kit! I’m still learning how to go through the tunnel, but I’ve got mad hops and can clear the high jump!
We don’t have the biggest house, but it’s the perfect size to practice and get some exercise. It’s collapsible, too, and comes with a little storage bag! I like to eat the bag, but my pawrents say it’s so my toys don’t take over our living room. Whatever. Now, doesn’t it seem SO easy to keep your New Year’s resolution when it’s to tire out a puppy!? Plus, this way, your pup ends up with more cool toys from Outward Hound. Like I said, I always win.
Let me know in the comments below what your New Year’s resolution is this year, and if you’re going to be the goodest boy and help your hoomans keep up with theirs!”
-Sincerely, Kirk the Floof
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