8 Awwdorable Dogs Ready For Fall Fun
Oh, my gourd! It’s that time of year again. The leaves are changing, the weather’s getting cooler, and pumpkin spice is everywhere. People aren’t the only ones gearing up for sweater weather. We found 8 dogs ready for fall and ruv the season as much as we do. These furry friends are so cute they will have you wanting to roll in the leaves and eat everything pumpkin right along with them.
1. Look at this! The color is unbe-leaf-able!

2. Where is my pupkin spice latte?

3. Are you pawsitive these aren’t pumpkin treats?

4. Look at that gourdgeous view!

5. Don’t leaf me hanging! I know you have a treat fur me.

6. The snuggle is real, but I won’t fureeze.

7. I can’t be-leaf it’s fall already!

8. We just love fall puns, even if they are a little acorn-y.