Doggolingo: A Guide to the Internet’s Favorite Language

What is DoggoLingo?

It’s a unanimous cutesy internet language that we hoomans use to verbalize our best friend’s thoughts. It’s a grey area between English and dog-speak with a little bit of onomatopoeia sprinkled in. It is a fun, silly language, and there’s no wrong way to speak it! If you ever watch a popular video of a dog online, you will most likely see some of this silly lingo in the comments.

It is also very commonly used in videos or pictures of dogs, often written using the font “Comic Sans,” which makes it even better. Dogs are doggos, frens, or woofers, dogs with fluffy coats like Samoyeds are floofs or floofers, and corgis are corgos. Then there’s longbois, thicc canines, boofers, smol doggos, fluffers, and pupperinos doing an awoo. Many of these words can be used for animals in general, too, not just doggos! (Snakes = “danger noodles”)

Take a look at our ultimate doggolingo translator below. You’ll be a heckin’ expert in every pupper’s bork, boop, mlem, snoot, sploot, snek, blep, boof, and blop.

golden retriever instagram
From @leothecream on Instagram


Note: Proper punctuation, grammar, and spelling are not required! Dog lovers can turn off autocorrect for this.


doggolingo nouns
The Original Doge Meme from Wikipedia


doggolingo adjectives
thoughts of dog tweet
From @dog_feelings on Twitter


doggolingo noises and actions
shiba inu from instagram
From @tiny.rick.the.shibe on Instagram

Common Doggo Thoughts

doggolingo common doggo thoughts
doggolingo tweet
From @dog_rates on Twitter


doggolingo other

Think you’re ready to jump into the lexicon of Doggolingo and doggo memes? Check out some of the social media links below to see it in action.


Prime Places to See DoggoLingo


We Rate Dogs

Thoughts of Dog




Rapid Liquid


We Rate Dogs

Woof! Ready for some more fun doggo content? Check out this Dog IQ Test to find out how smart your pup is!